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Why Us?   How do Organizational Turnarounds Get Started?

Because we has done it before. Because we have succeeded at it. Because we have thought deeply about it and can articulate what it takes.

See ..

"The Reality of Enterprise Turnarounds"

15 years experience with actually implementing major organizational change leads to some interesting reflections on why it does and does not always succeed . Click here to see the PDF.

"A Sustainable, Staged Approach to Major Organizational Change or Turn-Around"

Major organizational change is not simple. Its success depends on many things. But one of the key components is the dynamics of the "trust" relationship between the "change sponsor" and the "change leader". Building such a relationship is facilitated by a shared "process" framework for structuring the change program. One such framework is presented here. Click here to see the PDF.

How do organizational turnarounds start?

They start with deep dialogue - focused conversation - between the turnaround leader and the senior owners / investors.

Contact Roelf Woldring by e-mail or by phone. Let's talk.




The first step is always assessment or diagnosis. There has to be a real possibility for revenue underlying whatever trouble the organization is in. That means determining if:

  1. There are underlying products or services for which a customer will be willing to pay,

  2. There is sufficient potential revenue volume to cover the cost of operations and ensure a profit that pays back past losses and any additional investment,

  3. The key investors and owners have the patience and the endurance to tolerate the period it takes to effect the turnaround.

Don't even start if you are missing any of these three core necessary factors. Even when they are present, they are not sufficient. You have to add:

  1. financial and other resources,
  2. an effective and courageous turnaround leader,
  3. focused internal executives.
  4. an effective Board,
  5. sound strategic relationships with customers, suppliers and partners,
  6. and an agreed value or exit strategy

to the final mix.

Once you have determined that all of this exists, you can begin. The intensity of the time in which you determine this is more important than the length of time. This assessment and dialogue lead to:

  1. Trust built up through deep dialogue with a profound form of action,

  2. Urgency which creates shared focus and cuts out the irrelevance of distracting events and egos,

  3. Persistence in planning, acting, measuring and adapting to changing events.

The result is the eventual financial and value success for all the stakeholders involved: - owners / investors, key leaders, employees, customers, and suppliers / partners.





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